Tomorrow, Saturday, March 4th, the freshman class will be hosting a craft and vendor fair at Conneaut High School from 9am-3pm. Over 40 crafters and vendors will be spread out in the cafeteria and the hallways. The show will feature a visit from the Easter Bunny, concessions, a 50/50 raffle, and a basket raffle with winners being drawn at 2:00. Admission is just $1 for adults. Students and children are free. Please use the Jackson Street entrance. Come out and support local crafters and vendors and the freshman class!

The Conneaut High School Presents - The Wizard of Oz - Buy your tickets online today, a show not to be missed!
March 23rd @ 7:30pm
March 24th @ 7:30pm
March 25th @ 7:30pm

C.L.Y.O (Conneaut Local Youth Organization) is holding Spring Soccer sign ups through Wednesday, March 1st. To register, check out our new website (clyo.org) and create an account. (https://www.clyo.org/page/show/7571613-registration)
Cost is $30 per player with a sibling discount.
All ages open-Cubs (4-6yrs), Tigers (7-9 yrs), Jrs (10-12 yrs) and Srs (13-15 yrs)
Also, PLEASE consider volunteering. Coaches, Refs and general volunteers are needed!

As a part of Safe Decisions Week, Chris Brecht State Farm Insurance is sponsoring two athletic events this week at Conneaut High School. Admission will be FREE for everyone who attends!
On Thursday, January 26 at 6:00pm, there will be a home wrestling match vs. Grand Valley. On Friday, January 27 there will be a home boys basketball game vs. Wickliffe. JV will start at 5:30pm and varsity at 7:00pm. Both events will be held in Garcia Gymnasium at CHS.
Come support our student athletes and cheer on our Spartans!

There has been a change in schedule for Rotary Nights. There is NO girls basketball game tomorrow, Monday Jan. 23.
Instead, our Lady Spartans will take on the Jefferson Falcons this Saturday, January 28th. This will also be the Chris Brecht State Farm Safe Decisions game. JV begins at 1pm and Varsity is expected to start at 2:30pm at CHS.
Admission for all fans will be paid by the Rotarians. Thank you to the Rotary for their continued support of the youth and students in our Conneaut community!

Power is still out at Conneaut Middle School and Gateway Elementary School. School will be closed at both buildings today Thursday December 15th.

Power outage at CMS and GES. Sending CMS students home for the day. 2 hour delay for GES at this time. May change as soon as we know something.

Due to illness in the bus garage, there is no transportation for students that ride Route 4, bus 4. We are very sorry to have to announce this but all available drivers and subs are on buses this morning. Families will have to provide their own transportation today.

Head on over to the Ashtabula Walmart today from 10:00am – 2:00 pm
Bring new unwrapped toys or nonperishable and hygiene products for Veterans and military families in Ashtabula Co. for Christmas. They deserve our support and recognition for their dedication to our freedom this holiday season!
Let’s help the Spartans reclaim the trophy from Geveva! Conneaut, Buckeye and Geneva will see who can collect the most food and toys for Feed Our Vets and Operation Toy Soldier (sponsored by the Marcy Funeral Home)and be presented with the “Battle of the Bus” Trophy! This trophy will stay in the winning school until the next battle next Christmas season.

Good morning! Conneaut Schools are OPEN! However please allow for additional time on roads especially if you are traveling early this morning before sunrise. Allow additional time for our bus drivers as well. Some roads are icy at this time. Student drivers should be warned of black ice and be told to allow for extra time before stopping. Go slow and be safe today-Spartans are precious cargo!

December 3, 2022 from 10:00 – 2:00 pm at Ashtabula Walmart
Let’s help the Conneaut Area City School District take home the trophy for collecting the most items!
Conneaut, Buckeye and Geneva School Districts will see who can collect the most food and toys for Feed Our Vets and Operation Toy Soldier (sponsored by the Marcy Funeral Home). Whichever school collects the most will be presented with the “Battle of the Bus” Trophy! This trophy will stay in the winning school until the next battle next Christmas season.
All food collected (nonperishable and hygiene products) for Feed Our Vets will stay in Ashtabula Co. for Veterans and their families.
All new unwrapped toys will go to military families active and non-active in Ashtabula Co. for Christmas. Operation Toy Soldier drive is for all Veterans solely based on their commitment to our country.
Please stop out and help our local Veteran families this Christmas season! They deserve our support and recognition for their dedication to our freedom!
Items may be dropped off at any CACS school building from now through Dec 2nd. Or head to WalMart on the 3rd and drop your items off in person.

The Voices of Hope Concert RETURNS December 1 at 6:30pm at the Conneaut Human Resources Center!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Spartan Families! School resumes Tuesday November 29th!

Good morning Conneaut Spartans! Due to the excessive amount of snow that has fallen already this morning, schools are closed in the CACS. Please stay safe, especially our new student drivers who may be driving in the snow for the first time this year. Have a great day!

Bus 19 is running late from both GES and LPS. Expect students to arrive between 20-30 minutes later than normal.

Conneaut Area City Schools has partnered with The Impact Group to create a strategic plan for our district.
We need your help!
Your anonymous feedback will provide valuable information to the Board of Education as we create a strategic plan to carry the district through the next
three years.
Click here to take the Community Survey:

Tomorrow, Saturday, November 5th, the freshman class will be hosting a craft and vendor fair at Conneaut High School from 9-3. Over 50 crafters and vendors will be spread out in the cafeteria and the hallways. Please use the Jackson Street entrance. The show will feature a visit from Santa, concessions, a 50/50 raffle, and a basket raffle with winners being drawn at 2:00. Admission is just $1 for adults. Students and children are free. Come out and support local crafters and vendors and the freshman class.

On Monday November 21, CACS district staff, in conjunction with the Conneaut Police Department and Community Counseling, will be conducting district wide school safety training. In order to train all district staff on this day, students will have to switch to a remote learning day. More information will follow but since we met and made this decision today we wanted to give our families time to make plans in advance. Parent/teacher conferences will still be held that evening beginning at 3:30. Thank you for you for your understanding and flexibility to allow us to conduct this necessary training.

There is a house fire which has caused streets to be closed in the area of Madison and Chestnut Streets. Busses may be running behind because of this. Also, students who walk will be arriving home later as well.

Our Conneaut Spartans are headed for the football playoffs! Get your 2022 playoff shirts here! Place your order by completing the Google Form linked below. Money must be turned in to Conneaut High School by 4:00pm on Monday, October 24. Shirts are $10 each (or $12 for 2XL and 3XL). Cash and checks (made payable to CACS) are accepted. Any shirts not paid for will NOT be ordered. Shirts will be available for pickup on Friday, October 28 at Conneaut High School. GO SPARTANS!