Student Services
Student Registration
Conneaut Area City Schools uses FinalForms to gather the needed information to enroll your student(s).
Only parents/guardians are permitted to register their student(s). In the case of divorce or separation, only the custodial parent/guardian may sign the forms.
**Select the 2025-2026 school year if you are registering your student(s) for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year once registration opens.
1: Complete the Online Registration at
Final Forms Instructions - Instructions for Parent Registration and Registering a Student.
2: Take a picture and upload the following documents into FINALFORMS:
Documents Required for Registration
Original Birth Certificate - Also Acceptable: Hospital Certificate, Passport, Baptismal Certificate
Parent/Guardian Photo ID - Driver License, Passport, State Issued ID
Proof of Residency - Cannot accept cable/mobile phone/internet bills
Homeowner - Mortgage statement or a current utility bill (gas/electric/water dated within the past 30 days).
Renter - Current lease agreement (all pages of the lease agreement) or a current utility bill (gas/electric/water dated within the past 30 days).
Living with a friend/relative - Affidavit of Residency form must have signatures notarized AND proof of residency provided in the name of the person with whom you are living. Affidavit of Residency
Immunization Records (Shot Records)
Special Situations
Custody/Guardianship Documents - Complete, current legal documentation must be presented at the time of registration.
If child is not living with both parents due to a divorce/dissolution, or has been placed with a temporary guardian, grandparent or foster home, the documents provided must be date stamped and signed by the judge.
Special Education Paperwork - The current ETR/MFE and IEP for students with disablities, or the current Section 504 Accommodation Plan, or Gifted Identification information must be presented at the time of registration. An official request will be made to the previous school for these documents as appropriate; however, having the documents up front facilitates a smoother transition.
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Grant Application. *Preschool Only* - Please complete the application by using the following link: Early Childhood Education (ECE) Grant
Translation of Documents - Applicants must obtain English language translations of any documents that are completed in another language. The translation must include a statement signed by the translator that states that the translation is accurate and translator is competent to translate.
If the parent/guardian cannot provide all of the above documentation during registration, the child’s registration may be refused or delayed until proper documentation is received.
Registration for Kindergarten will open on March 1, 2025 in FinalForms for the 2025-2026 school year.
*Please select the 2025-2026 school year to enroll for Fall 2025
Child must be 5 years old on or before August 1 of the current year.
Contact Lakeshore Primary 440.593.7250 to schedule an appointment after March 1.
Preschool is located at Lakeshore Primary
Registration for preschool will open on March 1, 2025 in FinalForms for the 2025-2026 school year.
*Please select the 2025-2026 school year to enroll for Fall 2025
All children ages 3 and above (not eligible for kindergarten).
You will receive a call once FinalForms are completed and required documents are uploaded to FinalForms to schedule a preschool appointment.
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment applications will be accepted April 1, 2025 through April 30, 2025 for K - 12.
To complete the Open Enrollment Application please click on the link: Available April 1, 2025 - April 30, 2025
Proof of Residency is required with all open enrollment applications. Please upload to FinalForms or email to
If you are currently attending through open enrollment, the application must be completed each year during the open enrollment period.
Registration (Staff Use Only)