Technology Staff
Mr. Brian Chase - Director
Mr. Tyler Hornbeck - Technician
Technology Department
Technology Replacement Costs
Below are the district replacement costs for equipment/technology that have been lost, damaged, or destroyed. This applies to all staff and student district-assigned equipment.
Lost/Destroyed: Student Chrome Tablets 10e: $335.00
Lost/Destroyed: Student Chromebooks 100e: $275.00
Lost/Destroyed: Staff Chromebooks Touch 14e: $399.00
Lost/Destroyed: Staff Chromebooks Non-Touch 14e: $365.00
Lost/Destroyed: Staff Yoga 13w w/Touch Screen: $940.00
Damage/Lost: Protective Cases: $30.00
Damage/Lost: AC Adapter/Powercord – missing/damaged $30.00
Damage/Lost: MiFi Wireless AP $25.00
Damage General: Base - damaged $15.00
Damage General: Display Bezel – damaged $30.00
Damage General: Hard drive- failure due to misuse or being dropped. Chromebook has flash memory so the motherboard would likely need replacement for $100.00
Damage General: Keyboard - missing or broken keys $40.00
Damage General: Display Screen Chromebook - cracked, scratched, and/or damaged $40.00
Damage General: Display Screen Tablet 10e - cracked, scratched, and/or damaged $179.00
Damage General: Mainboard Tablet 10e $169.00
Damage General: Display Back Cover - damaged, cracked $25.00
Damage General: Display Hinge - damaged, $25.00
**Cleaning fees may be assessed for devices that have not been properly cared for, require sticker removal, or with infestations $25.00
** Students who have damaged or lost their power cords, and who have purchased new ones will not count towards the replacement of a district charger. Not all chargers are the same with varying voltages and/or build quality. Due to safety concerns personal chargers will not be taken in lieu of a district-provided charger.